Christine Jones, CIC, ACSR
Alvarado Pacific Insurance Services
License #0520661
Published: 5/20/16
Renters Insurance: A Risk Management Tool for Property
Why landlords should require their tenants to carry
Renters Insurance…
Landlords, like most business
owners, are in business to make a profit and protect their assets. One key component of Risk Management is the
transfer of risk through insurance and responsible property owners properly
insure their property against general liability and property exposures. What is commonly overlooked is the transfer
of risk through a tenant’s personal liability policy. Tenant liability products
protect them from third party claimed damages caused by fire, smoke, explosion
or water as a result of their negligence. These causes of loss tend to be the
most expensive damages an apartment building owner would face. Owners of apartment buildings face an increasing number of
common, small property losses that usually fall below their own deductibles.
Owners can become tired of paying for small common losses to their buildings
when their tenants negligently cause damages and requiring their tenants to
provide their own Renters Insurance policy is the solution. This important coverage also provides protection for the tenant if
they are accused of accidentally causing injury to someone and is a vital
component of keeping positive relationships between the tenants and the
building owners.
In addition to the liability protection
for negligently caused property damage or bodily injury, most Renters Insurance
programs offer personal property coverage for tenants. Many property owners
face demands from angry tenants to pay for property stolen from or damaged in
or around their apartment community. Personal
belongings of tenants are not covered by the landlord’s insurance policy, a
common misconception by the average tenant. A tenant’s property is not only
exposed to potential damages caused by other tenants in the building, but also
damages they may cause themselves or even theft. If
those tenants had renter's insurance that included property coverage, their
policies would respond to many common causes of loss including theft, fire and
water damage. A tenant with their
own insurance is less likely to sue their landlord in an attempt to recover
their property. Plus, they are better able to pay their rent if they don’t suffer
a financial hardship due to a loss because they spend their rent budget
replacing necessary items that were lost.
Having funds available to replace lost items will reduce the strain on
your relationships with your tenants.
So what’s keeping every apartment building owner from
requiring their tenants to provide their own Renters Insurance policy? Is it
the cost to the tenant for providing the policy? Do they think they might lose
a tenant over the lease requirement? The average Renter’s Insurance policy can
be purchased for under $20 a month to protect them from unforeseeable exposures
such as fire damage, theft or other natural disasters. Renters Insurance
provides a sense of security for the tenants that can only be guaranteed if the
owners require them to have it. For a small amount of money each month, an apartment
building owner can protect their own assets from damages negligently caused by
their tenants and their tenants can shield themselves from the devastation of
losing valuable items without the ability to replace them. The solution is
Renters Insurance.
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